Symptoms 1-10dpo - no BFP yet

Racheal • Westley Isaiah born 5.22.18!💕 Digital+ 12.2.23 edd 8.16.24 —- miscarried 1.15.24

Before I post my symptoms, i just wanted to say a couple things.

-This is only our second month TTC. I ovulated 7/31 and AF due 8/15.

-If you are in the beginning or middle (~1-~10dpo), please please please try to wait to test until a few days later.. or even after you miss your period. It is heartbreaking to only see one line. It will only make you sad. 😞

-We used FR OPKs and Pre-Seed this cycle. Nothing else done differently.

-I haven't gotten my bpf yet. Here are my symptoms from 1dpo to 10dpo so we can all compare and try to distract ourselves during this TWW! 😅

1DPO: increased appetite; mild cramping in low abdominals; a little nauseous; headache in the morning; very tired

2DPO: increased appetite; headaches throughout the day; fatigue; increased sex drive

3DPO: extremely increased appetite.. I was a bottomless pit!; moderate bloating (food baby?)

4DPO: headache throughout the day; severe bloating!; mild dizziness

5DPO: fatigue to the max; backache throughout the day; I had gas when trying to go to bed; last night I had 2 vivid dreams (sadly neither regarding pregnancy)

6DPO: appetite back down to semi-normal; moderate backaches and bloating again; creamy CM; super noticeable cramping; i craved a Wendy's frosty today (HAD to have it.. and I got it. I've probably had a frosty twice in my entire life.); increased sex drive

7DPO: extreme headaches and extremely bloated; watery CM; super sore boobs; mild cramps; stuffed nose at night

8DPO: took a HPT using a FRER and got a negative; watery CM; sore boobs; runny nose at night

9DPO: extremely sore boobs and there's blue veins all over them (nipples don't hurt or tingle at all); fatigued again, I want a nap!; bloating; headache again; dizzy. Tested negative on a CVS brand HPT.

10DPO: Tested negative on a First Signal hCg test. Too early to tell, or I'm just making up all the stuff that's been happening to me lol. Last night I had one dream regarding death and birth.. I was going to the doctor to get a blood pregnancy test for confirmation and at the same time attending my dads friends funeral. Weird.

We are about two hours into today and I am having cold-like symptoms; I'm pretty dizzy today and extremely tired. I won't test again until AF date of 8/15.

Three tests taken; one each at 8dpo, 9dpo, and 10dpo. All negatives. I know it's just too early to tell. Who knows - maybe it'll be positive tomorrow!

Fingers crossed and baby dust too all TTC on all your journeys! ☺️❤️