This waiting game sucks!

Heather • All glory to God. 😊 So thankful for all of my blessings. Wife to an awesome guy. Been together 10+ years. Mom to two awesome kids. One boy and one girl.

I just had a early miscarriage at the end of June/early July and now I'm just waiting for AF to return. Dr said she thinks I'll get pregnant quickly once it returns but ugh the wait sucks. I'm thankful that we don't have any fertility issues and I wasn't stressed about it before. I'm just antsy/anxious because I got pregnant, so I know it's possible now. I got pregnant before my period retired.

I'm breastfeeding still (13 month old) and haven't had a normal period yet, only the miscarriage bleeding. We're trying to wean but he really loves breastfeeding and he's getting all 4 of his 1 year molars at the moment. It's nice to be able to comfort him so easily. I'd hate to stress him out by weaning when he's in pain.