Symptoms are driving me crazy!!


So I have just started at the end of last month to track my ovulation/cycle. So I'm pretty new to all this. Also pretty new to being off bc. My SO and I have been trying for the past couple weeks. My cycles have been super short. Like 2-3 days for my period. But for the past week or so I have been having all these symptoms and I can't tell if it's just ovulation/pms or Very early pregnancy symptoms. First off my breast have been incredibly sore. They have never been this painful, even before I went on bc or with my first pregnancy. They hurt so bad. It fluctuates between sharp painful to the touch to an overall feeling of dull pain and heaviness. Then I've been super hungry, cramps, and very very tired. Like can barely keep my eyes open tired.

And I took a test yesterday and I thought I saw an incredibly faint line. When I came home after work and looked at it again the line was gone. I know I probably just need to wait but I'm so anxious. According to this app I ovulated yesterday. But I've never had such drastic symptoms before. Is this normal? Has anyone else had similar experiences?