Child custody (not sure where to post this)

Mannie🌻 • 24.New Yorker.Mainer.Wife.Momma.Step Momma.Photographer🌲✌🏻🌻

Ok so I'm looking for peoples experiences with child custody. My husband has a 6 year old son. He has been living out of state for the past three years and now is moving back this weekend. His mother had papers done up for child support the year that they moved and my huz has been paying ever since. So here is my question. We want to go about getting joint custody. His home with his mother is full of abuse which we have made calls about in the past. So we want him to have some normalcy with us as much as he can. So if she has primary would we just file a motion to modify? My other question is we live 40 minutes away from where they are moving and my huz and I both work so I'm curious how that would go with him going to school? I just don't really know where to start💁🏼