Not eating solids!!


I'll try to keep this fairly brief...

My almost 1 year old DD had some MAJOR constipation issues when my milk dried up and she was on formula around 4.5 months. She stopped gaining weight, and eventually started LOSING weight due to weekly vomiting and being too constipated to eat. I asked for a GI specialist recommendation and got it around 8.5 months.

After some medicine (which she's still on) and a strict diet, she's just doubled her birth weight at 11 months. Now that she's gaining, we're trying to get her to try solids and absolutely NOTHING works. Cereal, spoon feeding, self feeding, she won't do it. I gave her a little puff (they're supposed to dissolve better than cereal) and she gagged on that.

We have an appointment with an occupational therapist, but I'm wondering what to expect. It's been a long, stressful road to get her to where she is, and I'm not sure we're near the end of it yet.