Don't know who I want to be with

I met this guy at the beginning of freshman year, I didn't know him very well but he told me he liked me. We soon got closer over time and became the best of friends, he helped me through a lot of stuff I had been going through. I soon started to realize how happy he made me and so I fell in love with him. We hadn't been official but we sure acted like we were dating, but as days went by he would get mad at me for no reason, burst out to the point were I cried for days and thought I shouldn't be alive sometimes. Then just last month I met this guy at the mall, he's incredibly sweet and knows how to treat me right and we barely know each other at all but he shows signs of what a good great guy can be for a girl and now I'm stuck between who I want to be with bc I am in love with the one who treats me ok but I still stay for the right reasons and I also have feelings for the new sweet guy idk what to do 😓