Dear Mean spirited People

It's hard to ignore the cold looks I get because you think I'm unattractive, it's hard to forget the time I gave my virginity to a guy I thought I liked until he told me to leave the lights off and left without ever talking to me again. It's hard for me to be strong like you in your way, because since birth I've been verbally abused. I just ignore every slight. From where you're standing I may not look like much to you, maybe pressed from being walked all over and soft spoken but I just remember that sticks and stones may break the bones and words can never hurt me, lies! I replay the pain over and over again asking myself would my jokes be taken differently had I been attractive enough? Would the guy I went on a date with choose me and not my friend? I think about it over and over again. Why someone called me the "ugly sister" with them not knowing what I go through when I look in the mirror and surrender to the truth. I'll learn to love myself one day at a time and look into my lovers eyes to see What he finds so beautiful about me.