Lexapro weaning makes me laugh??

I started taking 5mg of lexapro towards the end of June and upped to 10 mg after 2 weeks as directed (taking it for postpartum anxiety). It made me horribly nauseous with awful headaches and I couldn't sleep because the insomnia was so bad. I started going back to 5mg but was missing work and just miserable it was so bad. So I quit cold turkey about 1.5 weeks ago. I have some very mild nausea occasionally but feel pretty great overall. But the weird thing is, I am super giggly. Like I feel like I'm high. Everyyything my husband says is suddenly so hilarious like I'm snorting when I laugh. It's actually making our marriage a lot more fun and happy and makes him laugh that I'm cracking up like an idiot at times. Has anyone else had a weird side effect like this while weaning??