Late to the party 😅


I'm sure I'm not alone in this, but I was in denial. so it went like this... Around 11am I woke up to start my day, get ready for work. I was 39w5d, and planning on working until she came. So I lay in bed trying to motivate and I felt cramping. extremely mild compared to the period cramps I'd had so I didnt worry too much. I'd had no braxton hicks my entire pregnancy so I'm thinking thats all it is. Off to work I went at 230. I walk around, doing my thing. Still cramping ever so often, still ignoring it. My nurses ask if I'm okay, I look a little pale. I'm fine, cramping a bit but "if I can walk and talk through them I'm staying here," (my mantra all night.) I leave for lunch, cramping gets worse while I'm driving. I can talk through these, I'm okay. 6pm, I download a contraction timer on my phone. maybe theyre getting closer together, Ill time them and find out. 8pm, my contractions average about 8 minites apart, but the info is kinda skewed because we're putting people to bed and I miss a few. 9pm, everyone is in bed amd we go around to check on everyone. i stop in my tracks momentarily with each contraction, but it doesnt stop me entirely. 10pm, we're done. 30 minutes left and i can go home amd sit in the bath. A contraction hits me that mearly knocks me off my feet and i change my tune. i headed out to the hospital and got admitted. only 2 cm, but in pain. im doing this without an epidural, id convinced myself. admitted at 1030pm. broke my water around 5am(? its all a blur) to put a heartrate monitor on the baby (the belly bands weren't picking her up consistantly). by 630, thry had convinced me that i meeded an epidural. there was a chance i would need a C-Section and if I didnt have it then I'd be knocked out during the birth. absolutely not, i would be awake. so epidural at 630, heartrate dropped too low for comfort and csection was decided. my little bundle came out at 713am. 7lbs, 2oz. 19in. 💖 May 24th, 2017. 39wks6d.