have you ever felt like this during a pregnancy?


I'm 15 week 3 days and today August 11th is my 7 year anniversary I went to Wal-Mart yesterday and I bought a pair of deadpool boy shorts to surprise my SO well I just found out that he's working over time this weekend and I won't see him till next weekend so I desided to send him a pic of the panties seeing as I bought them for him to enjoy he's a huge deadpool fan and I took the pictures and I sent them before looking at them but them I decided I'd look at them and I couldn't help but feel disgusted at my body... mind you he loves me no matter what he gets that sometimes when you have kids your body doesnt bounce back and granted before my son I was 99 lbs and after I got up to 168 all I've been managing to do do this whole pregnancy is loose weight... but I've taken pictures of myself and didn't feel disgusted at all he's never made me feel like that but his response was now I really wish I could come home and not have to work ot and all of a sudden after reading that all I could think was why would you want to come home to this im covered in stretch marks from our first son and I've got a muffin top and for crying out load my back dimples look like caves I started immediately crying I've never felt like this during my pregnancies (I'm on my 3rd pregnancy 2nd baby)and I just want to know if any one else has felt this way... all while there SO is being as sweet and as sexy as they can while at work