Boob strike: 4m old and working mom


I fear I'm on the road to formula. I understand fed is best. And I'm ok with using formula if it comes to that. It's just slowly happening like I'm on this incredibly long commute to a dreaded dentist appointment. Here's the deal: I'm a full time working mommy. I've been back at work for a month, until recently my LO has enjoyed bottles or boob. Now, especially before bed she cries at the boob refusing to latch but if offered a bottle she digs in like a fat kid at thanksgiving. Because I'm pumping during the day and because of an extremely stressful couple of weeks which included being admitted to the hospital where I wasn't allowed to eat my supply has really slowed. During the day 10a-6p I can only pump about 8oz (I pump at 11, 1, 3 then feed my LO at 6). It is so frustrating to try to pump so much and just get a couple ounces each time. My LO eats:

at 6 pm(BF)

7:30 pm as part of bedtime (she typically tries to refuse the breast)

midnight (BF with no problem)

4am (BF)

7AM (BF but typically seems uninterested), 9am(BF)

From 10a-6pm she's bottle fed as she wants but usually only about 8oz/day (which is good because that's about all I can pump). Tonight at her midnight feeding she acted like she was going to refuse the boob but I didn't give in to the bottle. After fussing for 5-10 mins she gave in and latched. I'm feel like my supply is less and not as easy for her to get out. She really has to work at it since my supply slowed and that why she's requesting a bottle especially when she's tired.

I'm trying to take in adequate calories, water. I eat oatmeal daily , anything to keep my supply up.

I guess that's it. Thanks for listening. Any suggestions are appreciated!