Am I just paranoid or??


I have been with my husband for almost 3 years now. I am currently 26 weeks pregnant and feeling very weary lately. He has always kept a close eye on his phone but has no issue looking through mine. The other day daughter saw him put his code in and asked why that was his code. I replied "shh we aren't suppose to know that's his code". Well today we are driving and he has his phone and types in a new code.. why does he feel the need to change his code when he finds out that I know what it is?? What the heck is he hiding?? I have never gone through his phone but now I'm dying for the chance to but I'm also nervous. What should I do??

Update: I looked through his phone while he was sleeping and had to keep myself from killing him. I found things that I wish I didn't. I wish I didn't go through his phone.