He is driving me cray


My husband makes me so mad... he is not a bad person he is as supportive as he can be in just so hormonal and I feel really fat and ugly' since I have been gaining weight... I am 17 weeks 3 days and I have already gained 20 pounds... I just moved from Quebec to Ontario last year to be with him so I have no friends or family here I feel so alone... the other night we were watching tv and he looks at me and tells me you know I f***ed a girl that looks and acts just like this girl on the show... usually I don't mind hearing that stuff but for some reason ( hormones) it hurt so bad and made me so angry I have not even been able to speak to him... and I can't stop crying... also I stoped smoking the day I found out I was pregnant... all I want is to smoke and he hasn't stoped and the smell of him smoking also is pissing me off. When I tell him he says not my fault I was born a man..... I wish I could just go home for a while and be with my friends and family but I can't because of work and it's a long drive for just a day or two... my mom is coming to visit with my sister and niece this weekend I can't wait to see them I hope it makes me feel better. I know being depressed and sad is not good for the baby so I am trying my best to keep my attitude positive but it's so hard

Anyone else feeling this way?