Jerk husbands?

Does anyone else have a jerk for a husband?! I'm 27+5 weeks pregnant, and my husband has changed over the past few months. He's hateful to me, to our kids... He's gotten so lazy, and literally doesn't even interact with me (unless it's sex) and he doesn't have much to do with our 1 year old and 3 year old. He's even cussed at them both a few times. Tonight I've had a rough day but STILL got up made dinner, and when he came in he yelled at me over it. Saying he will not eat it and he doesn't like that.... Ever since then he's not said anything to me or my kids... I'm literally at a loss. We're having baby #3 soon, and he's being like this... Any suggestions? And no it's not stress about having another baby, he honestly could care less about this pregnancy.