2 rounds of Clomid in 1 month?

Ash • TTC 8 years - 6 clomid IUI’s - 👼🏻 x 2 - IVF July 2019 w ICSI & PGS - ❄️❄️ FET #1 Oct 2019 BFN - ERA Feb 2020 - FET #2 Sep 2020 BFP!

Hi ladies!

This was my first month of Clomid (50mg CD5-9).

I went in today for my CD14 follicle scan and was told there were "no follicles seen".

My doctor said either I had already ovulated, or it wasn't a high enough dose of Clomid. Since I haven't had any positive OPKs, he highly doubts I have already O'd. So he wants me to take 100mg Clomid starting today and "pretend like today is CD 3". I go back in 11 days for another follie scan.

Anyone have any similar stories? I've never heard of anyone doing 2 doses of Clomid in one month. 🤷‍♀️