Family Feid over baby - and shower. Am I wrong?

So I'm at a loss here and maybe other Moms to be have better perspective!
I'm due 14 November but Baby Boy Jack is already measuring ahead so I feel he may come sooner. When I fell pregnant I asked my mom to involve my best friend in Baby Shower plans. Since then I've heard nothing. I haven't been asked for a list of guests, nothing. Two weeks ago my mom told me she thought she didn't have to do anything and my friend would just do it all herself. I said well usually the mom spearheads it with assistance. 
My mom also said when I was early on that she doesn't believe in anything being bought until 6/7 months. I told her right then that unfortunately that just sounds too risky to me and I also don't earn the type of salary that allows me to buy everything in one go and I have a responsibility to ensure he has everything he needs so I needed to start getting things back then already. Since then Hubby's mom has offered to buy certain things and of course we've allowed her, it's her grandchild we can't expect her to sit around and wait for my mom to decide it's ok for anyone to buy anything for the baby and not once has my mom picked up the phone and asked if she can get anything. 
My folks have since been talking about going away for 2 weeks in Aug/September and we have asked them many times when exactly and they have repeatedly said they aren't sure.
Anyway, on Sunday hubby asked one of my sisters if there are any plans or a date set yet as he wants to plan his own thing for the guys for the same day. She responded saying they are thinking the last week in October as it's more convenient for them. So he said isn't that asking a lot of Rox, she will be 9 months pregnant at that stage and very uncomfortable, tired etc and it will leave her with no time to sort out everything she gets and run around finding what she doesn't get. So she responded telling him to suggest a date so he said what about 16 Sept.
Next thing we know my Mom is on the phone to him having a full go because how dare he suggest September when she wants to go on holiday in September. She wouldn't give him a chance to explain that he didn't know they had now set a date, or explain why he feels it's unfair on me to leave it so close to when I'm due. She wouldn't listen. Eventually he raised his voice and said leave it and go on your precious holiday, I'll plan something for Rox. He did feel bad and phoned her later and apologized. 
Later that evening my other sister got on the phone to him and screamed at him for a solid hour, saying he's disrespectful and must go to hell. Also shouting because she wants to have it at a hall in a sports bar and had heard id prefer something simple at home with a small crowd. Saying if it's not where she wants it she wants f*?! All to do with it, and that it's got nothing to do with what roxanne wants and roxanne must be grateful anyone is planning anything at all. She also said how dare we allow lloyds mom to buy so much and there's nothing left for them. They knew I wasn't going to wait around.  He did not swear or shout once and eventually hung up. She whatsapped him telling him again to go to hell and saying we mustn't pretend to care about our son because everyone knows I sit drinking wine all day. I have not touched alcohol
I was very upset. The next day I messaged her and said that because it's not the first time she's done something like this, and because she swears and screams and shouts and calls people names in front of their kids etc, I'd prefer her not to come to any shower or or to the hospital etc because I can't put my son in that environment. Her response was vulgar and I've attached a screen shot below.
Well it would seem that my mom, dad and two sisters have all taken my sisters sides without asking my side or hubbys side of the story. Dad will not respond to my messages nor Hubby's and has basically cut us out completely. 
Hubs wants me to phone and chat to him but I can't bring myself to. I can't fathom how you can treat a pregnant woman this way, never mind your pregnant daughter/sister?
Please tell me your honest opinion, am I wrong here?