Giving up the bottle


So my LO just had her 15 month appt and we were told to be done with bottles by 18 months. I'm just curious how you mommas are dealing with this transition. My LO knows how to drink out of all sippy cups but we only put water in it. Water at mealtimes and throughout the day. And then milk in her bottle a couple times a day. I've started giving her the milk in a sippy cup yesterday and of course since it's new she's only drinking an ounce or so. I guess I'm just struggling with when to offer the milk vs the water. I want her to get her milk in but I also love that she drinks water all day and want to continue encouraging that. I know we will get into a rhythm but should I offer her the milk at mealtimes and then just water throughout the day? Or offer the milk at the times that she's used to the bottle? Just curious what you guys are doing! Thanks!