Calorie counting to lose baby weight


For the bf moms who track, how many calories are you eating a day? My baby is 4 months

The last ten pounds are a b*tch and I'm so hungry! I'm 5'7 and am oscillating between 148 and 158-- I go up and down so fast. 😩

Ultimate goal is 143 but I need to be careful for my milk supply. I pump 48-53 oz in two sessions daily plus BF my daughter at night and comfort feeding during the day. I set MFP to 1720 calories but lately I've been eating more like between 2000 and 2500 😠😑😓 my period cane back four weeks to the day of my daughter's delivery so gobbling like a hog a week before Flo is such an issue too

Anyway.... rounding up a long ass post to ask about your many calories did you eat without jacking up your milk supply?