I'm not sure if I can be attracted to anyone anymore


I don't mean sexually, I mean romantically. I met this guy at a party and had a rlly good time talking to him and had a small crush on him but I think that was only bc I was fucked. Past few days I just can't find any feelings for him whatsoever and I had to cancel the date we had tomorrow saying I had family stuff but it's really because I just don't want to see him. Yes he's lovely and a very nice guy but I've just lost all feelings for him and I don't know how to let him down. It's giving me anxiety and making me pretty down bc I just feel so guilty about making him think I was into him. At the moment I just wanna be by myself reading and doing art and getting things ready for my second year at college, I find talking to people an annoying chore (even my family). Only people I'll talk too and want to talk to are my 2 best friends.

I only find myself crushing and falling in love with fictional characters, it doesn't happen with people anymore and hasn't for a while. I don't know what to do, I don't know how to tell this guy I'm not interested and even if I manage to tell him I'll feel so guilty about it; its painful for me to think about (if that makes sense).