Just needing an outlet *Long post - sorry

I'm 2 weeks away from giving birth. I've been having prodromal labor for weeks. I'm huge, uncomfortable, and in a lot of pain most days, not to mention the exhaustion.

My brother and sister in law are expecting their first baby in a little more than a month. No one was planning a shower for them, my brother was going to do it himself but I stepped in and planned/hosted it. I spent so much time, energy, and money on this shower. So much so that our impending baby has taken a back seat, I've neglected to buy things we need, and do all the things I've needed to get done, to serve my brother and sister and their guests. It was their only baby Shower, so there were a lot of people coming. The majority of which I have never met. So my husband and I discussed it and felt it would be best to have our dog out of the house for the party, since we didn't know if anyone was afraid of/allergic to dogs. I'm trying to make the day as beautiful and smooth and perfect as possible. (I'm not looking for a pat on the back or praise here, I love to serve those I love, it makes me happy. Just bare with me.)

My mom, who was supposed to help pay and prepare for the shower, did next to nothing to help me. She didn't do things I asked her to do, and never reimbursed me for things she said she would. The morning of the shower she says she wants to bring her dog. I tell her that's fine but that we felt it best to have the dog put away in our crate, just for the duration (3 hours) of the party. She was welcome to stay out before and after. This dog is annoying. She may be little, but she jumps and gets in people's faces. I didn't think that behavior was appropriate. My mom argues that the dog will be fine, she loves people. I said it wouldn't be appropriate, that we got rid of our dog for the day for a reason. She didn't push the subject, came early with her dog and helped set up (finally, some real help!). No one said anything, so I assumed she was, for once, respecting me as an adult and accepting my decision. Party time! I put the dog up as planned, with a blanket and a ball. Mom finds out and is PISSED. She has a terrible attitude and starts complaining to my guests about it - about me - but I keep my cool for the sake of my brother and sister in law. Fast forward to end of party. I ask my husband to go get the dog. He does, and asks me to come upstairs to the room she had been kept in. She'd broken our metal crate, gotten out and destroy the carpet in that room. My mom finds out, and never apologizes. Acts like I deserved it, and starts "my poor baby" about her dog. Fast forward to Thursday. I sent my mom a super respectful and sensitive email, because I'm trying to be the bigger, more mature person, and explain again why dogs weren't allowed at the party. I also, respectfully, tell her that her behavior was inappropriate and disrespectful. She calls me the next day and starts yelling that I was wrong for putting the dog up and how lucky I was that she wasn't more upset and create a bigger scene. I said I could have made a scene when I saw all the damage to my property, but I at least didn't go around being disrespectful and rude. Her response? "She did that because of YOU!!! I told you she didn't like to be crated!" I was also told I don't care about anyone and have no empathy.

I have never been so shocked and felt so disrespected. If I was wrong at any point, y'all please explain to me what I did and how I can change, because right now I'm struggling big time.

*I should note that my dad, at least, was kind enough to apologize profusely and promised to have the carpet repaired.


Thanks for your responses, ladies. The reason I let her bring the dog is because there was construction going on next door to them and apparently it freaks their dog out. I thought I was being kind and empathetic for allowing her to bring the dog? But apparently, according to mom, I'm not at all an empathetic person. She was angry because we didn't have a lengthy conversation about it, but honestly, she wouldn't have agreed to anything other than what SHE wanted. I'm just in shock by seeing this side of her. I thought we were close, but her actions and insults lead me to believe that it was all fake, because up until that point I have never told her "no".