Is he into me🤔?!?

So I just started high school this week and in biology I sit next to this guy that I know for almost 4 years. We usually only did small talk but now it's different. He was in my algebra group and he kept laughing at my jokes which I didn't find weird at first cause my jokes are funny💁🏻. But in the first day of biology he just kept talking to me that I didn't even pay attention.

Yesterday when we went to class I sighed cause I left my notebook in algebra and he ask if he can go get it for me? And I said sure and he looked for it (he didn't find it). And he even put away my laptop away!?And later on he asked what elective I have and I said guitar and that I need to pick up my guitar after school. He was trying to show off that he knows how to play and that he will go with me to get my guitar after class.

After class I had to talk to the teacher and when i left he left which I didn't care but he was waiting outside!! And went with me to get my guitar and he was showing off that he can play (he's not that good😂 since I didn't have a pick and he doesn't know how to play acoustic).

I just found it really weird that he will talk to me now and say a lot about he's life and and ask about mine. Maybe I'm overthinking. It's been on my mind all day I just wanna know that I'm not crazy thinking he likes me?