Any dog owners/people who know about dogs on here??

I'm thinking about getting a dog but I need it to have certain things... I understand that all dogs can have a different personality but I want to find a breed that will be most like this.

1. I have a cat who is not very mean and he's lazy but if a dog comes at him he will probably scratch or something so the dog needs to be able to get along or at least be independent enough to not be too interested in the cat.

2. My mom is allergic to cats and dogs and she doesn't want a dog that sheds a lot because we already have a cat that does that

3. I don't want a dog that needs crazy care like having to go to a groomers/or needing a lot of crazy exercise. A few walks and playtime is enough for us.

4. I don't want a super expensive dog! I know it'll cost money to buy and take care of but we aren't super rich we can't go spending thousands on just the adoption

And 5. Not very loud 🙉

I just want to find a breed that would fit this because I want to have a dog but I just don't know how I'll ever find a breed that could be the one 😭😓

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You sound like you would be a great parent to a frenchie, pug those cute smooch face breeds. Check out dog101 on YouTube they will have enough plenty of info on the breeds. They are the sweetest dogs to have in your home. They love love to be around will enjoy their human personalities and expressions when they feel a certain way. Cats I have never experienced a problem we Foster a kitten and my frenchie client loves him. Likes to play with him but if your cat doesn't care to be bothered much then your dog will get the message but enjoys hanging out with the humans. Check out the site for more info message me I would like to know your thoughts. There are some breeds that dont she'd much but they are yappy, because of their Breed not the smartest just cute.


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Caboodle are good for people with allergies cause they are hypoallergenic but they do have pretty long coats and are very active but super friendly. Any dog can get used to cats if they are raised with them. If your looking for an easy to manage dog I'd go for a pugalier cause they have very few health problems are mainly lap dogs and dry obedient you can also get them that looks cav or pig or in between so u have a variety to choose from. Otherwise a Tibetan spaniel is good they are or can be snobs so they keep to themselves but they can also be super play ful


Posted at
I think most dogs would adjust to having a cat, espcially when you get them as puppies so I don't think that would be a problem. (at least in my experience) A lot of dogs shed but some don't shed as much, like huskies usually shed a ton but say pits don't as much and I don't think poodles do at all. So you might want to consider one that just doesn't shed a lot along with not at all. We have a Blue Heeler/Lab mix who barely barks, but I think it's more dependent on temperment than breed. (once out of the puppy stage she became super chill) I'd suggest you go to a shelter and just look around, ask about temperament and shedding and everything else you need. Hope this helped a little at least!


Ki • Aug 13, 2017