Am I being toooo sensitive?


Im sorry this is long πŸ’”πŸ˜”πŸ’” but plz help or advice... πŸ’”πŸ˜”πŸ’”

In the beginning of mine and my fiances relationship he would always call me beautiful and always take pictures with me and you know all that cute stuff... and now he doesn't and it hurts. Its like we barley talk to each other when we're around each other. After we had our daughter everything change. He doesn't tell me im beautiful, or pretty or anything.... not even when I get dressed up and do my makeup... im here crying because I feel so unwanted and he recently got a new job and work from 10am-10pm so we dont see each other anymore or hardly talk. When he gets home he showers and goes to bed... we dont even say goodnight anymore.... im hurting so bad... it hurts, it feels like our connection is gone. And ever since his new job he's always grumpy, he will fall me on the phone when he gets the chance but he always gets angry and raises his voice and I dont do anything! Hes mad cause work so he takes it out on me... my point is the small things count.. he doesn't call me beautiful, or talk to me anymore, like i dont know what to do.... i see everyone and how their relationships are and it makes me so sad.... πŸ˜”πŸ’” i dont know what to do...