Clomid at 40+

Hello everyone, we've been TTC since 2015.

Im in my mid 40s n hubby in his late 40s.

We are not ready for <a href="">IVF</a> right now.

Been n taken TCM medication for 2 years n still no good news.

TCM medi dint cost cheap either, total spent 4k on TCM consultation n medi.

Recently decided to change my 10years female gynae to male gynae since my female gynae kept pushing us for <a href="">IVF</a>.

Is stressing me out.

This male gynae have 40 yrs of experience.

Now he trial me on 1st clomid on my last month cycle, went back for review on my ovulation on CD11 n yes I am ovulating.

Was diagnosed with PCOS in 2006 n recovered within 2yrs. Now Im in healthy cycle between 26-33 days, with 5 days AF.

But yesterday my AF came n yes I am disappointed. Had a huge bloatedness, abdominal discomfort n weight gain prior to AF.

My hubby has a slight problem in his department but doctor confirmed is not going to affect conception except retrograde due to stress.

Well we are going to gynae for another review tomoro, I did research n understood that clomid can be taken for only 3 cycle.

Who else had the same experience, eg: successful on clomid at age 40s n above,

I would love to hear from you.