Has anyone experienced this??

Haley • TTC #1 👶🏻 #2 👼🏻👼🏻 praying for our 🌈🌈

I have just finished my first round of clomid 50mg about a week or so ago. Today marks my first day of my fertility week..... Yay! So I've been using ovulation test to kinda see throughout this last week up to ovulation what my test would look like. I got a no surge yesterday and today as it should be since I ovulate Thursday. But leading up to ovulation I would assume my surge line get darker and darker till it's a positive test...... yesterday the surge line was the darkest as it has been..... today you can't see a surge line at all..... should I be worried about this since this is my fertility week?? Has anyone else experienced this before?? I will post both pictures of my test from yesterday and today....