Boyfriend issues

I don't really have anyone to talk to about this so im going to put it on here... not sure where to start so sorry if it is kinda everywhere..

Me and my boyfriend have been together for 3 years and just had a kid together 2 weeks ago... I love him alot! BUT im getting so bored of the relationship.. he NEVER compliments me like EVER! He ONLY helps with the kid when i take a shower but the baby is usually asleep when i take one. Ill make the bottle when the baby is hungry and will ask him to feed the baby while i do the dishes or laundry or something and he just gives me this "um isnt that your job" look.. he doesnt help around the house and all he does is sit on his phone ALL DAY and watch tv. Our sex life SUCKS! He wont give me head and the only position he will even do is me on top. I know he isnt cheating on me or anything. Hes kinda always been like this but it really never bugged me until now. And hes recently started to not like my mom and now he wont let me take the baby to her house and said if i let her see him itll cause trouble between me and him. He has anger issues (not abusive or anything). I dont want to break up because of our kid and i know i need to just talk to him about it. But im not even sure what to say or if he would even listen because hes very stubborn and wouldn't take it seriously. Ive talked to him about the sex thing before but kinda made it a joke and all he says is "other positions make me cum too fast" but he lasts the same as any other position. Ugh just tired :/