why so mean.!!


I don't know if I should be sad about this

but I got called a " BIG HO"

For having 4 kids & 2 Baby Daddy's..

I'm 15 weeks & 6 day pregnant with my 5th child.

With 1 guy who I was with for 4 years (he was a c/o at a prison) we have 2 boy's ages 11 & 10

I had problems with his whole family to where his step dad throw my kids clothes, toys, cribs & my clothes out of the house one day when we wasn't home.

one morning his mom went to work & his step dad went to drop her off

he was on the phone while I was in the house next think you we leave in the car he met up with his step dad & put my kids in his step dad truck & we drive off. long story short he took my kids away.

I haven't seen them in 9 year's

With the other guy we been to together for 8 year's we have two Boys 6 & 5 year that was a toxic relationship so he was in out of jail ever since my boy's were born so basically I was a single parent but we was homeless we stayed in homeless shelter since he was in and out of jail I was alone with two little boys. but I got my kids and I out of that homeless stage I put my son he's was 3 in school will Pre-K . but in this relationship we would of had 2 other babies but I had two miscarriage he always blame me for it saying it my fault I lost the babies that there's something wrong with me.. I left him with my two boys he'll sometimes see them now he end up back in jail

the guy I'm with now I'm 15weeks & 6 days pregnant we know each other since Middle School he does everything for my kids from making them 3 meals a day he would help my 6 year old with homework when he was in school he does there laundry for them

he taught my 6 year old how to ride a bike & taught him how to tie his shoes he takes them to the park & plays basketball and football with them he does more them there dad does for them