super aggravated today!!!!!


so im married, for 3 and a half years now. we have 3 kids total. 11, 9 and 6. My hubby works. I can't. our 9 year old is a Type 1 diabetic and i take care of him. have to go up to the school constantly. it seems lately everyone in this house is only living to stress me out. Today was very stressful. I take my kids with me to the store to get tampons and stuff for dinner. boys are fighting the whole time and swinging bags around. my daughter, who is 6, peed herself twice today because she didnt want to stop playing to go to the bathroom. so hubby gets home, i finish dinner and get Aaliyah into a bath. come out to find her pjs and hes watching a movie we got without me. i asked him to wait until i put the kids to bed. he doesnt. meanwhile the 11 yr old, Aiden is throwing a fit bc he has corn stuck in his teeth. 9 yr Kollin is still eating as slow as possible. And he is still watching the movie....Aaliyah is now out of the tib trying to pick up the cat who is desperately trying to get away. i go into the kitchen Kollin is finally done and just sitting on the couch. i tell him to do his chore which is to clean the dining room and sweep the kitchen after dinner. 20 min later after ive got Aaliyah to bed i walk through the kitchen to only get food stuck all on my feet and see kollin on the couch watching tv. So i make him check his blood sugar for bed and of course its high bc he took over an hour to eat. tell him to go brush his teeth for bed and thank god Aiden figured out his corn situation, showered and is now in bed. hubby still sitting there watching the movie i wanted. Aaliyah comes out crying saying she wants a movie, tell her no bc she got into trouble to much today. take an upset little girl to bed and find Kollin pretending to brush his teeth with a dry brush and no toothpaste. he starts throwing a fit bc we all know brushing teeth is WAY to damn difficult. i finally get him to bed. come into the room seeing the movie is almost over so there is no point in watching now. go to clean up my disaster of a kitchen. just so done with this day...