Parents Won't Let Me Date Outside Of Race


Hi! I'm 16 and I am white. I really like this boy that goes to my school! He's super sweet and hard working. I have no problem with skin color, but he is Mexican. If he treats me right and loves the Lord, then I don't see a problem. See my problem is, my parents are pretty racist. They wouldn't actually do something against a "colored" person, but they will talk about them or accuse them for things. I hate it. I live in a small, rural town in Alabama with all of your typical stereotypes. I love them to death but seriously?! Get over skin colors. My town, in the last 10 years, has flooded with immigrants from Mexico. My parents hate it. Of course, they blame all the problems on them. There has been an increase in gang violence from them, but there is just as many white people in gangs here, too. I'm too scared to tell them. They would disown me. I don't want to sneak around. Back in 7th grade, I "dated" a mexican. He was adopted by white people and they were still mad?! 😂they threatened to move. (A LOT of mexicans go to my school.) Of course we broke up and i could have cared less after that. But now that I'm getting older and into maturer relationships, It really bothers me. I just hate that they would be so mean to him just because he is brown. help? there's no reasoning with them. they're very "traditional".