Need Advice from full-time working ladies , ONLY!

For the past week or so I have been dealing with horrible insomnia . Since this has started , I've become very irritated and sad . I work full time and am away from home 10 + hours a day , 5 days a week so naps are not possible (not even during a lunch break because I have 30 minutes to eat and have to eat at my desk ) ! I am able to nap on weekends , but I find that I'm sleeping my weekends away , which puts me in an even sadder mood , because I'm not able to do anything that I enjoy and spend much time with my husband.

Working mamas who have had to deal with this or are currently dealing with this , can you offer any tips/advice ? This is such a struggle .

Added info: it doesn't matter if I try to go to sleep earlier ..I'm dealing with insomnia , so it's impossible to sleep .