

I've had some issues with my husband lying since I got pregnant. He has a history of drug abuse. He's been clean since we've been together (9 years) but on July 4th I caught him using in our house. We worked it out and got past it. Now today, I caught him lying to me again about quitting smoking. I'm not mad that he smoked. I'm just mad and hurt that it's so easy for him to lie to me. When I caught him using drugs again, he looked me right in the eyes and lied about everything just like he did today. I don't know what to do. I'm almost 7 months pregnant and I can't take this stress. I'm always completely honest with him and I feel like I deserve better. I'm just torn. I feel like leaving but I also don't want my son growing up without a Dad. I'm from NC and would have to go back. We live in MD. It would be a huge decision. Any input or advice is greatly appreciated!