Freaking out internally.


When I was fifteen, I started dating a boy that was three years older than me, but only one grade above me. The first year, he was shy and sweet. Around a year and a half, he started ignoring me at random times and started being controlling. By the second year he was emotionally abusive but I was deep in my feelings for him and truly believed it would get better. One day, he became physically abusive. And after three years, I honestly and fully believed I would be stuck with him for the rest of my life. On the 24th of July, 2017, I finally built up the courage to try to break up with him. I hoped he would leave me alone but he started showing up at my work and my house. After he continued stopping by my house and leaving things on my doorstep, I decided to get a restraining order. I finally turned nineteen last week, and tomorrow is my Court date, and possibly the first time I will have to see him in four weeks. I'm terrified of the possibilities of what will happen tomorrow but trying to remain positive. Thank you for reading and letting me get this off my chest. 😊