I feel completely alone.

I'm 10 weeks along on my pregnancy and my feels kick in overdrive. Since I've been Pregnant my husband and I have only had sex once. May I say he is a good provider and father but in the area of attention has been a big problem since we moved together. He don't hug kiss or anything that has to do with love. I've told him the calmest way possible holding in my tears so bad that I feel lonely. But I also told him if he keeps being like this he will have to leave after I have the baby. I've tried everything I've loved him more show him affection changed alot of things but nothing seems to work. I am in my wits end in all of this. I know he's not cheating but I'm hurting. I had a relationship of 11 yrs of this I don't want to live it again. Advice is appreciated. No nasty mean remarks needed thank you.