Due date April 11th!

Darcy • Blake 14.04.2018💙

I was taken to A&E; due to severe cramps and pains two days ago, my doctor did some blood work and my hcg levels was 27600!! WOW, I was amazed!

I had miscarried at nine weeks and my levels was 9000, so to see them so high at only 5 weeks5 days I was one happy mama!

With my levels so high they said they'd see something if they did an internal scan, and too my surprise there we saw our teeny tiny baby for the first time- to then have an even bigger surprise and the doctor say the baby's heart is already beating! She said this doesn't normally happen until 6 weeks.

I'm so in love and so proud, just praying it all works out 🤞🏽😍