Lactation cookie/ clogged milk duct?


So baby girl Harper is now 2 months old and we've been just now getting out more. Usually I have a bowl of plain oatmeal every morning, but when we get out for dr apts, or other things that rush us in the morning, I skip breakfast. I just returned my breast pump back to the hospital last Thursday ( the 10th) and was feeling kind of bummed out about it, even though I wasn't using it much at all. We went over to target to grab a few things and I bought a bag of lactation cookies to try and see if they would help ( my supply has been fine, I make enough to feed baby but not excess or anything) but I was feeling self-conscious without the option of a pump. The next day I ate one of the cookies since I had skipped my oatmeal breakfast, I thought they might be a good replacement. Well the next morning, Saturday, I wake up to feed my girl and my right Brest is red, hard, and painful. I get her feed despite the uncomfort, then jump in a hot hot shower to try to help it. I worked all day Saturday and Sunday to try to relive it, I'm guessing it's just a clogged duct since I havnt had a fever or anything. Anyway, I've noticed that I no longer leak. And I don't feel my let down either. I'm concerned that trying that cookie lead to the clogged duct and now is messing up my supply :(. I use to leak when it got close to feeding time, or when she would nurse, the breast she wasn't nursing from would leak. I use to complain about the leakage, but now im worried I'm drying up and will have to stop breastfeeding 😭. Just wanted to see if anyone else has gone through something like this and if you were able to get your supply back.