soreness and morning sickness

jessica • Jessica Lynn Luckette

so yesterday was the sickest ive been. since i hit 7.5wks (currently 8wks) ive been throwing up once in the morning (sometimes i go a day or two without any nausea) but yesterday i went about 8hrs throwing up everything i tried putting down. i still managed to keep a good amount of water in me and got down almost 3 bottles of water and some chicken and french fries. today my entire abdomen just feels so sore and tight. i had light cramping yesterday but i usually do on the daily. is this normal? I'm perfectly fine today no OB appointment isn't until september 10th. i had an MC in febuary and January 29th i spent 3 days with what i thought was the flu and ended up in the ER with dehydration. just don't want to risk my rainbow but i know there isn't much i can do but pray...if any other ladies have had this please tell me hiw it turned out or what your OB said.