I felt the baby like the entire baby.

Danielle • 4th pregnancy. 1 miscarriage. 5 year old girl and 2 year old boy. 💙💖 Due January 2018!

I'm 18w2d and a third time mom, I was just curious where my uterus was like how big etc, I have a little layer of fat but not a ton so I was just feeling around and I felt this lump on my right side. I pushed it a little and the whole god damn thing moved! This entire ball of whatever and then I got a swift kick/movement for sure and I realized it had been my baby snuggled on my right side 😂 I pushed him and I felt so bad. He definitely favors my right side tho as I get a crooked belly sometimes. I was in denial that he could be big enough to do all this but nope, that's my baby in there getting stronger and bigger. Denial no more!!