Dear 13-year-old me,

You are precious and kind and you have hope and a future. Please please don't give that away just because you want to be loved.

I know Stephen hurt you, I know Sammie hurt you, I know Daddy hurts you, but that doesn't mean you have to go looking for love in all the wrong places. You are more than a fake "I like you" to get in your pants. You are more than the bad things you tell yourself. You are more than the voices in your head. You are more than a body, more than your outward appearance.

You will meet a boy who will make you forget what others have done to you. You will meet a boy who will try to get you to trust him, even though you barely know him. You will meet a boy who will blow smoke in your face and laugh when you choke. You will meet a boy who will send his brother out so he can take advantage of you. You will meet a boy who will then break up with you and explain that he never liked you, only wanted you for your best friend.

Do not trust the quiet boy with the skinny jeans and the band merch. Do not trust that boy, because he will shatter you.

And if you do trust that boy, just remember: you're gonna go through a lot of trials, but one day, you'll find someone who put your broken pieces back together and teach you to smile again.