I don't know what to do


I'm making myself crazy over here. I've apparently got some issues to work out. I'm too territorial. I don't know how to back off. I love him so much and it's driving him away. That doesn't sound right at all. He went to go hang out with some friends and I freaked out. I'm not even 100% sure why. I've been expressing that I feel forgotten about. But idk if I just want too much attention.

But I don't want to feel like this. How do I honestly chill the fuck out. This isn't even about my guy at all. I've been diagnosed with basically everything. Tears are how my emotions are expressed and it scares everyone away.

I'm homeless and am partnered with my bf/fiancée/husband/whatever we are. We are deeply important to each other. We've been through a lot together as a couple and independently in the last year. He proposed to me last February when I got pregnant (he knew before I even took a pregnancy test or talked to him about how i was feeling). I had to get an abortion though because we're homeless and I wasn't going to be able to maintain a healthy pregnancy. That was partly due to my anxiety. I'm afraid of the future because the unknown makes me so uneasy and terrified.

It just feels like my sadness drives everyone away. How do I chill and really go with the flow?