

So I think my husband cheated on me before we married. A couple of years ago right around the time we got engaged he was laid off from his job it was very hard but I worked all day to make up for it while he searched for something new. Some time around then I'm guessing he started feeling neglected because he started messaging random numbers and doing emails to those fake hookup places online he even went as far as putting an ad up on Craigslist looking for someone. When i discovered all of this I was devastated and obviously confronted him on it. He admitted to doing it because he felt I wasn't being as loving to him as he needed and it was also curious to see if it was easy to get someone. He swore up and down he never did anything with anyone never met up with the girls he texted. And I believed him because he is very naive and his older co workers most likely talked him into it because they were pervs. Needless to say hubby was in the dog house for a long time. What I can't let go of is around the same time this happened my ex best friend lets call her Jane, was caught sleeping with an engaged man by one of her friends and it spread like wildfire. From what I heard was after sleeping together for a while Jane told him to either pick her or his fiancé and he picked his fiancé. At that time we were engaged. Every time I've asked who it was she slept with no one would say who exactly it was. I've asked my husband if he had and deny's it up and down. It's been 2 1/2 years since and just can't seem to get it out of my head. I have no solid proof but I can't shake this feeling that they did and that's why Jane and I stopped being friends backseat she stopped talking to me shortly before I found out everything and she never gave me a good reason. I want to trust and believe my husband but if it's true I want to know.