Pregnancy Brain Story


So I was super excited to go to this event that was being held at a local store. It is an event for pregnant moms to be to get free samples and possibly win big ticket items that we need (car seat, stroller, etc.) I bought the ticket the day before (only $5 registration fee) and printed it out. I had been reminding my husband for days that I will be going right to the store after work since my work is so close to it, rather than coming home to have to travel back over 45 mins to get there. I get to the store early and sit in my car till 6pm (the event started at 6:30). I went inside, used the restroom and wandered around looking for signs or looking for tables set up but there was nothing. I walked through the baby section of the store and there were no signs of any event taking place. So I wandered up to guest services to ask the woman there where the event was being held. Luckily, before I could ask, I took a quick glance at my ticket and realized that I was a month early for the event. It's in September not Aug. I wanted to cry and I was so embarrassed. I'm just glad I didn't talk to anyone. I ran out to my car and drove right home. I didn't have the heart to tell my husband what happened because I know he'd be pissed that I wasted my gas and time to go there for nothing. I just told him I entered some raffles and left because I was tired. So I get home and my crock pot dinner was done but I know my 4year old will not eat it. So I asked him what he wanted for dinner. He wanted chicken nuggets. I took out a plate, went into the freezer, grabbed the "chicken nuggets" tray, twisted said "chicken nugget" tray, a "chicken nugget" popped out of the tray and landed on the floor, and that's when I realized I was about to microwave ice cubes for dinner for my toddler. I got upset and my husband came into the kitchen and gave me a hug. We all laughed it off, but geeze I felt so dumb and confused.

Please tell me I am not the only one losing my mind?!

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