Thoughts? 🤔

So I just got done praying and I was asking for forgiveness because I committed a sin that I rarely do. I masturbated to porn. (I've just always been told that masturbation is sinful) But anyways that's just some background that may be necessary. When I was done praying I was just laying down and a word popped into my head. "Decimate" I've never heard that word before nor have known the definition. But it came to me in a sentence. "Decimate the children". I looked up the definition and it means to kill and destroy. The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Maybe God was telling me that after I prayed? But I don't understand why I got "Decimate the children"... what are your thoughts on this?

EDIT: I'm sorry if there was misunderstanding. I know God wasn't talking about my children. I think that the devil put that word into my head. The devil's plan is to decimate God's children. I wasn't scared and I just heard the word in my heart. I didn't physically hear it. And as more background I'm a single virgin. I don't have a husband to do anything to 😂