Dear people of the universe

I need advice. I've been crushing on a guy for a little over a year. I think he liked me, too, in the beginning. Eventually, I told him (over text, that's when I'm most confident). The thing is, I spent hours writing and editing this text. It has a few paragraphs of my thoughts. I told him not to respond if he didn't care about me back, and to respond if he felt the same. He read it but never responded. I've been bullied (not badly) by one of his friends that aren't that close to him. I've even been told he likes me millions of times by the more popular people of the school (I have no friends).

He and I (we'll call him Guy) have known each other since first grade (for eight years now)

Over the summer, we hung out a lot. I told him about my "feelings" at the beginning of summer. My questions are: is it normal to crush people I've grown up with? I cry almost every night over him, is this normal? Should I just forget about him?