"You've got a new wink!"😉

So I recently saw that notification pop up on my boyfriend's phone. Does anyone know what app or website this notification is from? I want to know all the details before I confront him about this. I'd rather know the truth before. It sounds like a dating app to me, I'm just trying to figure out details.


I didn't get a good look at the notification because he snatched his phone away from me real quick. Which was a huge red flag for me because we've always just randomly picked up each other's phones and been nosy lol. I asked him why he took it like that and he said "I'm trying to get better at surprises, you'll find out later" I feel bad even thinking like this, but idk what else to think

Update 2

Also, we've been together for a year and a half and we live together so I have access to everything that is his really. Me being the detective that I am, I just looked at his recent purchases with his card and one of them was a $3 charge for a website that claims to be a "dating related service" sooooo yea I'll just leave that one there.