First ultrasound question


Hi everyone! I'm due around April 15th and have my first doctors appointment on the 25th to "confirm pregnancy" (ugh it's there) this is my first and all of our family lives out of state so I am trying not to stress but hate waiting. I called this morning and they said they won't even do the first ultrasound until 12 weeks? Is this normal? I see everyone else has ultrasounds from then they they are little bleeps on the screen and by the time I get mine it's a fully formed person. I am 26 pretty healthy and this is my first pregnancy however I'm so worried about a miscarriage (no symptoms just have had friends who have and it's more common than you would think) and read that it's most common between 7-13 weeks. I don't know what to do any information to ease my mind would be great thank you all! Currently I want to cry and hate my doctor already