meli • 🌹The bees knees🐝

okay, sort of a rant. But anywho... the past week I've seen so many post from females/males about Snapchat and there "SO" whether it be that they got deleted..they were blocked they found something on their "so's" sc they didn't like... it's crazy... Snap chat is another social media fad. Its used and known for the funny filters and captions... for messaging family and friends and pictures that aimlessly disappear and messages that can be erased... WHATS THE POINT. .I mean come on... how is having one of these not a set up in the get go...? why would someone need to send pictures to a co-worker or friend of the opposite/same sex that ... DISAPPEARS IN THE MATTER OF SECONDS.. you won't know nessesarly but it's a stress builder. One I'm so happy to not have to deal with.. OPEN YOUR EYES ladies/gentleman..if your partner is doing anything on SC or other social media where they get defensive or to the extreme where they block you do you really need any other explaining.. no.. you do not.. you are getting taken advantage of and odviously the chat messaging app is more important to them then your relationship... be awake not asleep ....