Feeling ready!


I'm 36 weeks and 4 days. Sooo ready to have this baby and be able to move normally again and without pain, and of course hold my precious girl! Doctor is estimating she is 6 1/2 pounds already, on track to be over 8 lbs. like my last, and she is head down. He will do cervical check next week, and is willing to induce anytime after 39 weeks. I don't like being induced, I prefer to have things as natural as possible. I agreed with my last, as she was measuring large, and I'm a very small person, and I wanted to avoid her being too big and having to get a csection. I guess I will see how I feel in a few weeks! I'm going to spend these last few weeks getting extra cuddles in with the toddler before she has to share her mommy (the older one is already used to it) and working till I deliver.