I've been dealing with this guy for 20 months now. He's 8 years younger than I am. When we met, he was still with his children's mother and claimed to be single. So he lied to me. I chose to stick around for sexual encounters after I exposed him. She needed to know about me. I love him and want to be with him but I'm not sure how he feels about me. He said that I only wanted sex from him. So just recently I asked him was he willing to come stay with me and he said he was willing as long as we are at peace, no arguing and I can't get mad if he stays out. I feel stupid for even considering but love him. The whole time we've been messing around, if he don't come see me I would get really pissed and say the meanest things to him to where he would say he's fone. I know that he feels for me but its not mutual. I'm thinking he's scared of our age differences and the fact that I will lose my cool when I don't get his attention when I want. He's not gonna walk away and I cant either... It's breaking my heart, to keep hoping and holding on to someone thats not ready to commit...