why is my period doing this...?!?

So, I've had my period for 4 torturous years now... and ever since I've had it my period keeps "stuttering". I went to the doctor like 3 years ago for some other stuff and I asked her about it and she said it was normal the first year and it would go away. NOPE. You guys it's seriously so annoying😩😩 My flow stopped completely for over 2 DAYS and now it started again. My periods last an entire week because of it stopping and starting so much. It's usually heavy flow like the second and into third day, after that it just stutters for like 4 more days. And when I take the tampon out after several hours there's hardly anything on it... but It's more blood than just spotting😒 it's like my period stops when I put tampons in or something lol. Does anyone else have this?