partner doesnt find me attractive anymore


so my partner of five years doesn't find me attractive anymore, I got with him when I was 15 and we been together for five years, we have two children together, I just gave birth to our second six weeks ago, we have been having problems alot lately so I decided to go to my mums for a weekend a hour and a half away to give him space.

He didn't reply to my texts or phone calls and my dad's been staying with us and dad said that he seemed fine and they just watched movies and went to bed early as my partner works weekends. He rang me the Saturday night and said he feels weird and that so I decided to stay a extra night as he still was in a mood and I didn't want conflict.

i have always wanted my lip periced and my mum offerd to pay for it as a present so I decided to get it done, my partner always said he doesn't like them or tattoos On him self but he doesn't care if I got them, so I went a head and got it done.

When I got home and I showed him he didn't wanna speak to me really and was so distant.. a week goes by and he came up stairs and told me he isn't attractive to me anymore ive changed I have a attitude and I stand weird?? wtf?

I have just gotten my license two weeks ago finally and he gets funny when I got to go out I have to do shopping and app for the doctors for me and my son and he just is making me feel I have to stay home and be someone I'm not.

and now he isn't attractive to me anymore it hurt hearing him say that, definitely after having our second child.

He has four children to a previous ex and he is six years older then me and is making me feel like I have to be her and a square bear and basically sit at home.. I'm so confused and hurt and just don't know anymore :( he doesn't have sex with me as it is and doesn't show me any effectionest I just feel lonely and so depressed :(